Sunday 18 July 2010

'In sickness and in health'...

"to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better for worse,
for richer for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death do we part:
and to that I pledge you my faithfulness."
So many times, are these words repeated to other loved one's and said with meaning. But it isn't until today, that has made me think about every single one of those vow's and realise that some people, genuinelly do stick to there vows.
Yesterday, I saw a gentleman and his wife, im gathering, on the funicular back down from the ice cave. Possibly late 50's, early 60's. He loved her, and cherished her, it was obvious. But the difference being... the lady was wheelchair bound. And upon watching her for the journey, she could not do much else but communicate with her husband. He pushed her into the carriage, and he then went about making sure she had her daily tablets, which he had to break apart, pick out the water bottle from the bag, and even insert the tablets into her mouth. I noticed how she began shivering, and managed to turn her head ever so slightly to ask for her jumper to be pulled down a little. Communication. we underestimate how important it actually is, and how different life would be without it.
It started to get me thinking about this couple. I felt sad, confused but also inspired by this gentleman. He had made his vows, on his wedding day, even down to 'in sickness and in health', and he has stuck by this. He cares that much for his wife, he would go to great lengths to still ensure that her life is forfilled. Down to the fact, he would have had to dedicate all his life to her, feeding her, bathing her, entertaining her, and making sure she can still get the best with her time she has left.
It really inspires me, i mean, im a typical girl.. i believe in true love and all that, but ive had the times when i believe that all men are utter idiots, and there isnt much real love anymore. i am also currently happy with my relationship, im learning to build that trust up which takes time, but i then begin to believe that... if you loved someone that much, you really would go to the other side of the world and back to care for them. Your life just automatically changes, and things can never be the same. I then thought about if this gentleman was happy with this life? could he wish some things were different, i'm sure he does.. but he has to face up to the reality, which he was doing.. and i really do genuinelly bow down to this man, who i dont even know.. just by watching him for 5 minutes or so, changed my whole view on true love, and the real meaning's behind wedding vows.
With all these recent marriages, ending in divorce these days,it still gives me the hope that real love can last forever, and people will always be there for you, 'in sickness and in health', and 'for richer for poorer'... unlucky bugger who gets left with me then! xxx

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